Webinar Program

A webinar program created by our experts for our clients where they can earn PDH credit
In 2018, CDM Smith revamped our webinar strategy with the introduction of our FYI in 45 series, a live event, and FYI On-Demand, our on-demand service offering access to all past webinars. The objective was to increase client registrations, attendance, and ultimately drive sales engagement.
CDM Smith
Sole Designer
Live Event Producer
SMPS Boston 2019:
‍- Brand Awareness
- Best Design
- Best in Show


CDM Smith has been hosting client webinars since 2014. However, we recognized the need to expand our webinar program to highlight the expertise within our company and attract decision-makers for potential opportunities. Our primary objectives were:

  • Increase registrations by 50% (from a 4-year average of 75 registrants/event)
  • Increase very good/excellent reviews to 85%+ (from a 4-year average of 78%)
  • Maintain our A/A+ speaker evaluation rate of 95%+ (from a 4-year average)
  • Drive sales growth by engaging $1B in client pipeline on average (across the year’s webinars);
play a key role in at least one project win through a webinar session.
FYI in 45
FYI On-Demand
visual showing all of the different webinars created with the 2 year time span
The webinar email program to get a user to sign up and after they have registered


The branding of the webinar program carried throughout the presentations. Sticking to the color scheme helped keep the visuals simple to really focus on the concepts the experts were speaking to.
a snapshot of webinar presentation slides

Webinar Recap

After the webinar live event, the page was created on cdmsmith.com for people to watch after the event and later, converted to our landing pages for the On-Demand program.
Webinar landing pages after live event

Program Results

Through the years of 2018 and 2019, our registration growth increased 80%, 30% more than our goal. We increased our evaluations scores to 92% very/good excellent rating, and most importantly, clients with $4B in pipeline attended. Out of that pipeline, 5 contracts totaling ~$300k came directly from the webinar program.
webinar program results